Our global commitment
Australia and New Zealand are committed to progressing the international gerontology and geriatrics agenda. These are some of our key activities driven by AAG, ANZSGM & NZAG, since 2019.

Keith Hill, Chairman's Award
(October 2019, Taipei)
Professor Prasert Assantachai, Chair of IAGG Asia/Oceania Region, presenting to Professor Keith Hill, Immediate Past President of IAGG Asia/Oceania Region, the Chairman’s Award for outstanding contributions to the development of gerontology and services to the Asia/Oceania Region of IAGG. Keith is the 2029 IAGG Bid Committee Co-Chair.
AAG response to the BMJ Covid-19 Editorial
(March 2020)
The British Medical Journal published an Editorial COVID-19: control measures must be equitable and inclusive (BMJ 2020;368:m1141) on 20 March 2020. On 25 March 2020, AAG wrote a response calling on the World Health Organisation, Governments, service providers, research institutions and other entities to consider how they discuss age sensitively and respectfully when developing policy responses to COVID-19. The AAG response highlights how this would be supported by adopting an ethical framework to guide resource rationing. In addition, the AAG response calls for “usual” care to be boosted in the face of COVID-19.

EveryAGE Counts
(March 2021, New York)
The WHO Global Report on Ageism recognised Australia’s EveryAGE Counts as a promising, research-based campaign to end ageism against older people. AAG is a founding member of the EveryAGE Counts Coalition Steering Group. Ashton Applewhite, 2019 AAG Conference keynote speaker, was at the launch, having peer reviewed the report.
International Longevity Centre - Global Alliance
(November 2021)
Professor Julie Byles, AAG former President and proposed 2029 IAGG Bid Committee Co-Chair, is Co-President of the International Longevity Centre - Global Alliance (ILC-GA).

5th AAG / Radio National ‘Big Ideas’ forum
(December 2020)
The 5th AAG / Radio National ‘Big Ideas’ forum broadcasted on ‘Covid, climate change and ageing’ at 2020 AAG Conference, included Professor Vasi Naganathan, ANZSGM President.
AAG interview with Professor Michel Poulain
(August 2021)
AAG shared its recorded interview with Professor Michel Poulain (Belgium) with Professor Tom Scharf, President of British Society of Gerontology, for the BSG Conference.

Symposium at the IAGG World Pre-Congress eConference
(June 2021, Buenos Aires)
‘From Covid-19 to a Decade of healthy ageing in the IAGG Asia/Oceania Region’ symposium covering seven countries at the 2021 IAGG World Pre-Congress eConference chaired by Professor Julie Byles and included Professor Debra Waters, NZAG Vice President.
Click here to view the symposium.
UNESCAP Report on Health & Ageing
(December 2021)
A/Professor Andy Towers and Dr Paul Kowal published the UNESCAP Report 'COVID-19 & Older Adults in the Asia and Pacific Region: The health, social and economic impacts of a global pandemic'. Andy is from NZAG and is a member of our Bid Committee.

International Longevity Centre - Global Alliance
(November 2021)
Professor Julie Byles, AAG former President and proposed 2029 IAGG Bid Committee Co-Chair, is Co-President of the International Longevity Centre - Global Alliance (ILC-GA).