Thank you for your support!
Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand
will host the 2029 IAGG World Congress
Ageing Together, Ageing Well
The Australian Association of Gerontology in collaboration with the New Zealand Association of Gerontology and the Australian and New Zealand Society for Geriatric Medicine are excited to engage with our peers from across the globe to share and discuss the opportunities and challenges we all face around ageing in a diverse world.
We thank you for your support for our bid to host the 2029 IAGG World Congress in Sydney Australia and Queenstown, Aotearoa New Zealand.
We acknowledge the Gadigal people of the Eora nation as the Traditional Custodians of the lands upon which we will meet for the 2029 IAGG World Congress.
We acknowledge the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples' enduring connection to land, waterways and community. We pay our respects to the Elders past and present, for they hold the memories, traditions, culture and hopes of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples of Australia.
In recognition that we are a bi-national committee, we take this opportunity to acknowledge Māori, as Tangata Whenua who belong in Aotearoa. The Te Tīriti o Waitangi/the Treaty of Waitangi is the founding document of Aotearoa New Zealand that recognises the bicultural partnership that we have.

Marguerite Bramble
Australian Association of Gerontology
“The 2029 IAGG World Congress in Australia will enhance global understanding of ageing well, ageing together by bringing international researchers and practitioners to build on the success of longevity.
As hosts of the IAGG World Congress, the AAG, NZAG and ANZSGM research communities will draw on extensive resources to foster collective knowledge, including the wisdom and understanding of our oldest cultures, of the challenges we face in our natural world and our place in it, as we find new ways to be stronger, together.”

Vasi Naganathan
Australian & New Zealand Society for
Geriatric Medicine
“We think the time is right to host a meeting in sydney. It is clear that there is a greater interest in ageing in Australia, New Zealand and the Asia-Pacific region. There are many collaborations between people in Australasia and South-Asia. The whole region’s interest in ageing policy and research would be boosted by a meeting in the region. Sydney specifically is ideally placed to be the centre for the next generation of thinking about the key policy issue and research agenda in gerontology and geriatric medicine.”

Ngaire Kerse
New Zealand Association of Gerontology
“Not only would the region benefit from international visitors, but the international visitors would benefit from greater exposure to the innovations and excellent health and social system design and delivery, unique to the Australasian context. Innovation in environmental development for ageing is strong and the ethnic and social mix of Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand provides novel opportunities for research and development.”

The Honourable Scott Morrison MP
Prime Minister of Australia
"The priorities of the Australian Government are strongly aligned with the objectives of the IAGG to enhance the quality of life and wellbeing of all people as they experience ageing at individual and societal levels. In May 2021, my government announced a record investment to support Australians as we face some of the greatest health challenges in a generation. Our commitment includes a five-year plan for senior Australians, the largest investment in aged care, and the largest in response to a Royal Commission in our country's history to deliver greater respect, care and dignity for our older people...
It would be truly fitting to welcome the IAGG community to Sydney, Australia in 2029 for the World Congress of Gerontology and Geriatrics and we welcome the opportunity to share Australian experience, insights and approaches; and provide a platform for leaders from the global IAGG community to engage in peer exchange on vitally important issues.
Rt Hon Jacinda Ardern
Prime Minister of New Zealand
"The priorities of the New Zealand Government on ageing are set out in our Better Later Life Strategy, taking us through to 2034. Our guiding principles - to value people as they age, keep people safe, recognise diversity and uniqueness, a whole of life approach and a collective responsibility to plan and act for later life - are supported by a plan of action and closely align with
IAGG's objectives...
In 2021 our government invested in the wellbeing of whanau Maori with a $242.8 million for Maori health initiatives, including setting up the new Maori Health Authority. Pacific peoples will benefit from a $108 million Pacific package that will continue to support Pacific communities' wellbeing through the rebuild and recovery from COVID-19...
I look forward to welcoming you and your global community to Aotearoa New Zealand for the pre-congress leadership summit before an outstanding IAGG World Congress in Sydney, Australia.

Explore Sydney
Covid Safe Sydney
Explore Queenstown
This website and its contents are the intellectual property of the Australian Association of Gerontology, Australian and New Zealand Society for Geriatric Medicine, New Zealand Association of Gerontology and Business Events Sydney. You must not share, copy or adapt this website, or any part of it, without prior written consent from the Australian Association of Gerontology or Business Events Sydney.
Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander and Māori readers are advised that this website may contain images of people who have died.
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